It's Not Too Late to Become More Marketable.
Learn How to Stand Out at 50+

Discover How to Tell a More Compelling Story About You and Your Accomplishments

Want to Get Better Known for What Matters to You at 50+?

This is your chance to have a branding expert help you be more recognized and respected in your field…or next act.

Why settle for the status quo when you can do better?


Why keep spinning your wheels when you can get help?





I’m Wendy Marx, a reinvention and branding expert. I’ve taken hundreds of people from anonymity to industry icon. 

I’m also the proud author of Thriving at 50+: The 7 Principles to Reinvent and Rebrand.

Hear what others have said about me:

With this Special Offer, you’ll learn how to tell a more compelling story about yourself and your accomplishments. You’ll be better positioned for what you want to do next. You’ll learn:

  • How to create a message that attracts people  
  • An immediate action step to move you ahead
  • A tactic to get better known
  • A game plan for your success
I've been working on my reinvention for the past few years. My "rebranding" was taking time, especially since I was mostly doing it on my own. And then I found Wendy. During our work together, Wendy asked insightful questions and honed in on the few areas that were in need of the most attention. She helped me see my coaching niche through a different lens, enabling a real shift in my perspective. With these new insights, I'm able to move forward. Thank you Wendy!
Suzanne Frank
Integrative Health Coach
I had been stuck transitioning into my next career phase. I wasn't focused and had been struggling with how to position myself. Wendy helped me gain clairty on what I want to do, how to talk about it and propelled me forward. I now have more direction and purpose. I wholeheartedly recommend her.
Randye S. Spina
Marketing Communications, Author, Professor
"I had been struggling with the best way to reposition my business. Wendy helped me gain clarity on what I want to do, how to talk about it and propelled me forward. I am now ready to work on my website relaunch. I wholeheartedly recommend her. "
Andrea Weinreb
Media Strategist/Planner


Limited time Offer. Only $39 for Your Consult with Me

Normally my clients pay me $225 an hour. But with this special offer you pay only $39 for a 30 minute call.

Your personal consult will also include:

  • A recording and transcript of our call
  • A summary of next steps to take so you can get started

Why wait to create the message and image you want? Sign up today for this exceptional offer and start standing out! 

Sign me up!