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How to Create a Great One Page Marketing Document

A one page marketing document isn’t just a piece of paper. It is your brand’s introduction to your audience., especially when you’re not there to represent yourself. You want a one page document that speaks to your audience and intrigues them so they want to learn more about you and how you can help them.

But how do you create a one-pager that does all of this? We’re going to talk about everything that goes into a great marketing one-pager and how you can do it yourself.

Let’s first consider what this one page document is and the many ways it can be used when marketing for small businesses, including solo enterprises such as coaches, consultants, and others.

What is a One Page Marketing Document?

As the name suggests, a one page marketing document is a single page that boils down the information about your brand into an easy-to-follow snapshot. It’s a flexible document that can be adapted to fit your needs. It might explain what your company does and for whom, or even what your product or service does for its target market.

You might even think of this as a type of elevator pitch — a short explanation of what you do that can be delivered succinctly. It contains just enough detail to intrigue your audience so that they’ll want to learn more.

This document should be versatile, with a message that is coherent and appeals to customers, investors, potential partners and business referrers.

A one-pager should be accessible in many formats via email, on social media, downloadable, or even printable and mailed.

And its message? Of course, we’ll talk about more specifics in the next section, but in brief, a marketing document should…

  • Convey the value of your company.
  • Help your company stand out among the noise of your competition.
  • Make your audience want to learn more.
  • Fit customer behaviors and attention spans.

Now that we understand what a one page marketing document is and what a powerful tool it is when marketing for small business, let’s look at how to create your own.

I’ve broken this into three sections: the top, the middle, and the end of your document. In each section, I will discuss the essential details that you will want to expand to make your one page document all that it can be.

What You Need in an Awesome One Page Marketing Document

The Top

Display Your Company Name and Logo

Let your readers know exactly who you are. Display your company name and logo large enough to be seen without taking up too much valuable space — this is a one-pager, after all.

Discuss Customer Pain Points

Before anyone realizes they want your product or service, you need to emphasize why someone needs it in the first place. A key is to use your customers’ pain points — problems they encounter that frustrate and slow them down in their day-to-day.

You might even use this pain point as your headline. This will grab your audience’s attention and help people go “Yes, that’s how I feel.”

With the right pain point, you will have your audience nodding along with you, in complete agreement with how it makes them feel. When they sense you understand what they’re experiencing, they will start to trust you to fix it.

For example, if you were to use this one-pager as a tool for marketing for coaches and consultants, you would avoid writing something like this:

A trusted coach with 20 years of experience

Instead, focusing on your clients’ pain points, you might write something like this…

Do you ever feel exhausted or frustated with XYZ, wishing you had an expert in your corner, to whom you could turn for help and advice?

Notice, this takes the emphasis off of you and shines the light on what your audience needs.

Provide a Solution

Now it’s time to turn your audience’s attention toward you. In this next section, we’ll discuss how your business helps those with a particular pain point to flourish.

You might use this section to provide real-life proof through a case study or testimonials that show how you’ve helped others with similar pain points.

The Middle

List Your Key Features

A bulleted list draws the eye of your audience — and what better to draw their eye toward you than a list of your top business features. .These are perks that people can expect when working with you or with one of your products. For example, here are a few of the top features that people might want in a coach or consultant…

  • Free initial consultation
  • Licensed in XYZ
  • Full access to tools and templates
  • Access to an expert through phone or email
  • Customized road map to success

Take the time to write down a list of what your product or service brings to the table that can make a real difference for clients.

Highlight the Benefits

No matter what your business is, your audience will inevitably ask the question, “So what?” It’s your job to make them see how your product or service benefits them and what makes you better than your competition.

Frame this in the context of your audience — what will it do for them? Will they save money? Save time? Increase sales?

Whatever your benefits, telling people how your product or service will help them is a key motivator in getting them to take the next step.

The End

Sign Off with a Clear Call to Action

Now that people know what you do and are convinced of your expertise, what should they do next? Tell them with a clear call to action.

Common calls to action that you may choose to include at the bottom of your one pager might be…

  • Contact me for a free consultation
  • Learn more about XYZ Consulting
  • Start improving your business today
  • Check out stories of customers just like you

Calls to action are not one-size-fits-all. It might take time to find a call to action that resonates with your audience. Play around with the wording and basic intent of your call to action to find what works best with your primary audience.

If you’re a coach, consultant, or run another solo enterprise, include a professional photo of yourself and a short bio of yourself. Often, this works well to include on the back of your one-pager.

Your Contact Information

Don’t go through all of this work without leaving your audience with a way to reach you or find you online.

Include all contact details people might need — your physical location, social media channels, email, website, phone number, and any other details you want to share.

And if you utilize the back side of your document, be sure to have your contact information there as well.

And one extra tidbit for good measure: Make your one-pager visually exciting. Consider including a graphic as part of your solution. Don’t make it chockablock with type. Break it up a little. Have it be engaging and easy-to-read.

Concluding Thoughts on Your One Page Marketing Document

Although your one-pager is short, it doesn’t mean that you should breeze through it. This is a tool that can be very powerful when branding for small business.

Take the time to think about each section and what details are best to include. Focus on your audience and think about what they need in a one page document that would help them to feel confident about hiring you or your small business.

Your one page marketing document might be the first time your audience is meeting your brand. Make it count by creating a document that draws people’s interest and captures their attention, addressing their pain points and providing a realistic, attractive solution.

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Photo by Scott Graham on Unsplash

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Wendy Marx

Wendy Marx

Wendy Marx, author, coach and marketing and branding authority is the founder of Thriving at 50 Plus, a coaching program that helps baby boomers find more purpose and meaning in life. Wendy over the last 30 years has helped many business owners and executives become well-known, going from Anonymity to Industry Icon™. Her business articles have appeared in The New York Times, InformationWeek, Inc., Advertising Age, & Fast Company, among other outlets.

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