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Wendy Marx
Are you tired of having a LinkedIn profile that’s as exciting as the blandest cheese?
Do you feel like your profile is an afterthought, something you wrote many moons ago and forgot about?
If so, you’re not alone. Many people fail to make the most of LinkedIn, and their profiles simply exist without engaging, branding, or selling.
But with over 930 million business people on the platform, you’re missing out on a phenomenal opportunity without a compelling LinkedIn profile..

Here are key ways to rejuvenate your LinkedIn profile:

  • Create a visually appealing banner image: To instantly catch the attention of visitors, it’s crucial to have a visually appealing banner image that relates to your work. This image should include a short headline that succinctly communicates how you resolve a key challenge faced by your target audience. By presenting a visually striking and relevant banner, you’ll make a strong first impression and pique the curiosity of potential connections.
  • Craft a meaningful title for yourself: Your LinkedIn title should be more than just a job description. Instead, it should convey the value you bring to others and quantify your accomplishments. Consider highlighting specific achievements, expertise, or unique skills that set you apart from the crowd. By doing so, you’ll immediately capture the attention of those who visit your profile. 

  • Complete your contact information and add an attractive photoMake it easy for others to connect with you by ensuring that your contact information is up to date. Additionally, having a recent and professional-looking photo creates a sense of trust and authenticity. Choose a high-quality image that reflects your personal brand and aligns with the professional image you want to portray.

  • Complete your contact information and add an attractive photo:
    Make it easy for others to connect with you by ensuring that your contact information is up to date. Additionally, having a recent and professional-looking photo creates a sense of trust and authenticity. Choose a high-quality image that reflects your personal brand and aligns with the professional image you want to portray.

  • Craft an appealing and audience-focused about section:
    Your LinkedIn “About” section is your opportunity to showcase your personality, expertise, and what you can offer to your audience. Instead of focusing solely on your achievements, address your audience’s needs, concerns, and aspirations. Highlight how your skills and experience can help them overcome challenges and achieve their goals. Injecting a touch of storytelling and authenticity can make your profile memorable and relatable.

  • Feature recommendations, success stories, and testimonials:
    Incorporate recommendations, success stories, and testimonials in both your featured section and about section. These endorsements from colleagues, clients, or superiors add credibility to your profile and demonstrate the value you’ve delivered in the past. Potential connections and employers are more likely to be impressed by tangible proof of your abilities and the positive impact you’ve made.

  • Leverage creator mode and engage with quality content:
    Activate creator mode to boost your visibility on LinkedIn. Post high-quality content regularly, at least a few times a week, and make use of relevant hashtags to increase your reach. By consistently sharing valuable insights, industry knowledge, or thought-provoking ideas, you can position yourself as a thought leader in your field. Engage with others by commenting, liking, and sharing their content to foster meaningful connections and expand your network.

  • Include a compelling call to action: Don’t forget to include a call to action that prompts visitors to take the next step. Whether it’s inviting them to connect, directing them to your website, or encouraging them to schedule a consultation, make it clear and easy for others to engage with you further. A well-placed call to action can lead to valuable opportunities and conversions.

These simple yet impactful strategies will breathe new life into your LinkedIn profile, allowing you to stand out, engage with others effectively, and achieve greater success. Don’t let your profile be an afterthought— give it the attention it deserves and start making the most of LinkedIn’s potential.

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Wendy Marx

Wendy Marx

Wendy Marx, author, coach and marketing and branding authority is the founder of Thriving at 50 Plus, a coaching program that helps baby boomers find more purpose and meaning in life. Wendy over the last 30 years has helped many business owners and executives become well-known, going from Anonymity to Industry Icon™. Her business articles have appeared in The New York Times, InformationWeek, Inc., Advertising Age, & Fast Company, among other outlets.

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